Episode 10

Published on:

9th Apr 2024

Be The Salt - Edna Harding

It is said that the world is getting worse every day, and that’s true. We are seeing more and more deception, wickedness, and corruption every day. So how do we combat this way of thinking? It comes down to one thing: being the salt of the earth.

What does Jesus mean when he says that we are to be the "salt of the earth"? Salt has many practical uses, but the implication here is that it also has a moral effect. But why is Jesus saying this? Is it because salt is a source of flavor? No. Is it because salt is a preservative? No. It is because salt is a purifier. Salt is used to cleanse, to purify, to disinfect, to cleanse an area of contamination. Salt purifies because it kills bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens. The reason why Jesus instructs us to be the salt is because the salt of the earth purifies the earth. Let's take a deep dive on what it truly means to be the salt of the earth and how to be the antidote in this decaying world.

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Business Owners/CEOs, ministering not in theory, but rather experientially as ordain overseers of authentic kingdom company’s.

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